Wednesday, February 06, 2013

To blog or not to blog...that is my question.

I am really trying to decide after much time sitting here remembering all the good times of baby raising and how I have missed out on keeping record of all the goings on of the last 3 years. If maybe. Just maybe I should get back to it? Should I do it just for me and memory keeping and not worry that only 10 people actually look at it and care? I guess I can just try. I thought there for a couple years in day and age of facebook and mobile uploads that it would replace the blog but I also catch myself not posting stuff to facebook because I don't think anyone really cares. (please excuse my seriously bruised self esteem.) So let me just see if I can make this stick.

This picture is actually from the summer of 2011. I love this picture. My baby sister girl will be 5 next week and I am having trouble dealing because all the while I feel as though I have never not had a daughter I also feel like I have missed something, because she was a tiny little baby just yesterday! THIS is the year I send her to kindergarten and if you remember from the 2 kids I have sent to kindergarten before her I have a really hard time with this!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New Camper - Camping in November!

We went camping in our new camper this weekend. Yes, in November. It was really pretty nice. Chilly at first then would warm up enough to play outside and shed the jackets. We are so glad to have the new camper, it has enough room for us to actually sit inside and not be on top of each other! I will get more pictures next season. Can't wait for spring!


Advanced Yellow belt.

Jonathan worked very hard for the last 12 weeks and finally earned his next belt! He is very excited and I have seen so much improvement in his form. He is really getting good at this! I'm hoping by next year he has the courage and motivation to go to tournament!

Griffin had his belt test too but it was on a different night, and that night I forgot the camera...I will get a picture of him wearing it at his next class. He earned his yellow belt and is very excited. I am also noticing how much Griffin is improving. His instructor even mentioned she can HEAR him "answer up". That is the "yes, Ma'am" and the other things they are supposed to say throughout the class. He was totally silent before and now I've heard him answering up too! yay Griffin!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Size Comparison

You gotta see this! Here is your Homework for the day:

Go to Blog archives, on the right -------->
Click on the arrow, the dropdown window will show up with lots of dates
click on January 2007
scroll down until you see the picture of Griffin standing at the table eating chips

Do You see the outfit he is wearing??? the blue shirt with Adidas on the front???

In January 2007 Griffin would be about 16 months old.

Maverick wore that outfit YESTERDAY. He is 5 Months old people! HUGE! This just cracks me up!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nerf Soldier Party

Oopsy I got a little ahead of myself with the last catch up series.
The boys Birthday Party was in September and the both wanted to have a Nerf party. We fired up the smoker and make 40 pounds of meat. I also made 64 cupcakes, 3 bags of chips, potato salad, big tub of beans and our 45 guest devoured every last bite. We had a blast and so did the boys, Big thanks to everyone who came over to make it so special for my babies. Big boy numero uno is now eight! I cant even believe it! Griffin turned 5 this year. Time just flies I tell ya! I can not believe how big my babies are getting. Jonathan has now reached the age of chores and has to take the trash out, clean his own room and bring the trash bins back up from the street after trash day. He does a good job. No, I mean and do not pay him, I think he needs to learn responsibility without a monetary reward, that will come someday in the future but for now he just needs to learn to be helpful. We are back at Karate and about to have a test for the next rank.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Halloween 2010

I love the boys crime fighting poses and look at maverick and his "touchdown" LOVE IT! we made out royal this year. We will have candy for quite some time. We went to Noland Rd. Baptist church for Trunk or Treat that was different and really fun I think we will do it again next year! After that we went to Red Robin for dinner, then we made our way around the neighborhood to see a few of our favorite neighbors, then headed out to a close by neighborhood that actually participates in the Halloween candy giving festivities. Our neighborhood has never had many trick or treaters.
Side note: Maverick was supposed to be a lobster but the 3 - 6 month costume I bought last year for $3 thinking I would have an average sized 5 month old right now didn't fit my Not-so- averaged size linebacker. SO I ran to Target last minute to get him a Chiefs Shirt so he could be just that. A Linebacker.

5 Months

My Happy Boy! 5 months old on Oct 25th.

(it helps if you read this out loud in your best announcers voice)

Tipping the scales at 22 pounds 5 ounces and a whopping 26 inches in 1 corner we have hungry growing boy named Maaaaverick. And in the other corner at a *140 pounds, 5 foot 9 inch, sleep deprived, momma. This is a fight the Momma wants to win but the hungry fighter in the corner might be able to take her to the cleaners. With feedings every 2 hours even through the night, any momma might want to forfeit but this momma is one tough cookie. Next round is the solid food stage. Hopefully that will start to help this hungry fighter to sleep in the night! If you don't have the privilege of getting to see this fight daily we will update later on who wins the sleep fight!

*denotes a pro-figured weight as not to disclose the actual weight of this fighter.

2010 Pumpkin Patch, Cider Mill Trip

Every year for, I think this is the 6th year in a row we have gone to the Cider Mill in Louisburg and The Powell Pumpkin Patch with Aunt Marcia and uncle Daryl. We started in 2004 with a little 2 year old baby Jonathan and every year we take a new member of our family. We love this pumpkin patch not only are the pumpkins reasonably priced and they have a free hayride, hay stacks to play in and a sandbox for the kids. This year they had a corn maze for $2 ( i think it was $1 for the kids) This year the maze had a boy scout tribute for the 100th anniversary of boy scouts of america and there were check points with questions to fill out and once you were done everyone in the group (kids only) got a sucker for getting it all done! It is a good family pumpkin patch and also the pumpkin patch I wet to growing up as a little school girl going on field trips with my class. I sure wish I could find pictures of all the years! but I know I have at least 5 years of the last 6. Next year you should give the Cider Mill and the PPP a try, maybe we will see you there!

A boy and his dog (with a 4 Month Mav update)

I love this picture I caught of Griffin and Coco. He really is the "dog lover" of the family. I mean coco is matt's dog, or the family dog if you will but Griffin is the one who snuggles, feeds, worries, calls her. She follows him around probably because he drops her a food rail of cheese-itz or whatever the snack of choice is. but I just think this picture is so sweet and while the last 3 years to get coco to this point has been hellacious, I'm glad I put up with her crap, cause she is a good girl.
Maverick in the swing for the first time. He is 4 months old as of Sept 25th. weighing in at a whopping 15 1/2 pounds and 25 inches. Check out those baby blues! I really hope he gets to keep them, I like to look at his pretty blue eyes :)

3 Months

August 25th Maverick turned 3 months or 13 weeks. Time is just flying by and I cant keep up! he weighs 13 pounds and was about 23 inches last time I measured. He is huge! when I see this picture of Halsey and maverick I think, I hope she tells me she is done holding him before he suffocates her!

Friday, July 16, 2010

7 weeks old

On July 13th maverick was 7 weeks old. I took this picture on that very day, just to see how GIANT he is getting. He weighs 12# 6 oz and is just about 24" long. He is such a good baby! Pretty sure he knows he has no choice...He is a good eater, great sleeper, in fact he has a bit of a routine and schedule going and is very predictable. He doesn't burp after he eats so he tends to shoot milk out his nose if I lay him down too soon, but even yet he doesn't complain!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Welcome to the world Maverick Cole!

Maverick Cole entered the family on 5-25-10 at 1:47 P. He weighed 7 pounds 13 oz and was 20 inches long. He is lucky enough to have Jonathan and Daddy's olive skin, cheeks you could eat with a spoon they are so delicious, and is the most perfect baby! Sleeps AWESOME, eats VERY well and poops, barely cries, hates his diaper changed and has already in his 9 days of life peed on me 3 times, But I forgive you sweet boy, because you have cheeks I could kiss all day. You smell like all the yummy baby goodness that I could breathe you in all day. Your Brothers and sister love to stare at you and can't wait until you can play with cars with them. Halsey already calls you Her baby, and I'm pretty sure she thinks she is your mommy. Even among all the chaios of our family you sleep like a champ and are not yet easily distracted by the loudness. I hope that never changes because soon you will have 2 bunk mates that are pretty loud! We love you bunches.
Welcome to the family Maverick!