Friday, July 16, 2010

7 weeks old

On July 13th maverick was 7 weeks old. I took this picture on that very day, just to see how GIANT he is getting. He weighs 12# 6 oz and is just about 24" long. He is such a good baby! Pretty sure he knows he has no choice...He is a good eater, great sleeper, in fact he has a bit of a routine and schedule going and is very predictable. He doesn't burp after he eats so he tends to shoot milk out his nose if I lay him down too soon, but even yet he doesn't complain!


Melon said...

What a cute little chunk-a-munc!!

Unknown said...

coHey there Maverick! You are such a cuddle bug. I wish I could hold you more often. I'm so glad you look good in brown - :-) Love, Aunt Marcia