Monday, May 17, 2010

Smuggling A Watermelon

I have in fact heard it all.
got a beach ball in there?
I feel like I should get ready to catch something!
Are you sure there is only 1 baby in there?
wow, you must be tired.
you must be busy!
are you done now?
have you heard of birth control?
Oh, your tiny.
and my favorite, from a 5 year old...ARE YOU HIDING A BABY IN THERE?
My favorite is the expression on the face of the person who with the slight head tilt to the left says; ah, is this your first? and I reply Nope, this makes 4! I should really carry Kleenex so they can wipe the drool of their amazed faces. Really, Its my favorite, It makes me giggle...and want to have one more just to really show them.
So this picture is actually from 2 weeks ago but well, as usual I am bored with the blog, blah. Next post will hopefully be of a new sweet baby face.
And I feel like I should warn you some changes on here are pretty likely so maybe I will want to keep up again.
Official countdown to baby #4 is 7 days. what do you think it is? Girl or Boy?

1 comment:

Melon said...

Oooo, changes...I'm curious!! :) Hope you have an easy day on Monday! Good luck!