Sunday, April 25, 2010

4 weeks to go!

Your welcome!
Here is a belly shot. I have been a slacker on the pictures. poor baby number 4...getting gypt already :( I have been trying to get the camera out more the last few weeks, It is just REALLY not easy to move quickly to get the camera. Sometimes it would require juggling children and well then they want to pose and take videos of silly stuff. Like, mommy take a video of me playin with this action hero.
I am also not sure I will keep the blog going. I dont think anyone actually looks at it soooo...well, except for Grandma King. Hi Grandma!


Unknown said...

I read it

Melon said...

I still check in on your here! :) Can't believe it's only 4 more weeks to go!!

Unknown said...

checked today and didn't see the comment I posted yesterday so....I cant wait to see a picture of Cinderella Cupcake Gradma K


Hey, ya hot preggo lady! You look great! Can you believe it's getting so close?! I can't imagine why you haven't had time to get a photo of yourself...hah! You are wonder-mom extraordinaire so bring on will just keep cruisin', right?! We should be coming to KC late May/early June so hopefully I can see your beautiful family and new addition. Lots of love to you! Jen

Manda P. said...

I still check it too! :) You looked so cute the other day! Hope I look half as cute when I get to that stage! :)