Tuesday, October 27, 2009

All good and knocked up...

Look who got knocked up again! If you have no clue what this I guess I can explain it for you. The little black circle in the middle is my uterus and the little kidney bean in the black hole is my BABY! ( I cant believe I just made mention of my uterus on the Internet, but there you go world.) I am doing very well just some rough days here and there, but mostly if i stuff my face non-stop i feel pretty good. I am however looking forward to the nesting stage so I can maybe go a day without a nap or crashing at 7 PM. We are expecting this little bean in May and can't wait for the surprise! Yes, I said surprise. We are going to try to not find out the sex of this baby until it comes out, as one final surprise for us all. It will be fun, I think I can wait...I am such a planner I am afraid I might break down just because I need to know where to put it when i bring it home. I keep telling myself it will be fun to get to be surprised on birthday, little bean will will be with us in our room for a little while anyway so really i have plenty of time to rearrange furniture. We were trying to wait until the 2nd trimester to announce but if you catch a glimpse of you would KNOW in about 2 seconds, since I have a volleyball hanging out the front of my shirt.
***halloween pictures coming soon!


Manda P. said...

Congrats!! You totally are not helping my baby fever!! LOL Cute sono pic! :)

Melon said...

And I will say Congrats on here too!!

Adria Hunter said...

it's so much fun not to find out! you're right, the baby can sleep in your room the first many weeks. good luck on waiting! so exciting! congrats!!