Thursday, September 03, 2009

A lesson in grocery store etiquette

If you see me at the grocery store and you don't know me already and I am making this face...

or this face...
or I have any of these with me...

I am probably in a hurry to get out of the grocery store. So the likely hood of me wanting to stop for chit chat about, well, anything is going to be slim to none. just an FYI! *none of this applies if we have any previous acquaintance*


Evin said...

My sister is a pretty goof

Melon said...

Good times... :) I don't think I'd approach you if you had the 2nd face on....I'd turn around and exit the store quietly so as not to disturb you...

Manda P. said...

LOL, this post cracks me up! Love your "faces"!! I have to agree with Mel on the second face though...LOL

TheJacquets4 said...

Cute hair in those photos! Yes, I understand the feeling and I have that face in my collection as well. That face even makes the dog behave! :)

Anonymous said...

Carry some 4x6 pics of the kids and hand them out. Have Jonathan autograph them.


Adria Hunter said...

nice faces!